Providing Answers

Cannabis Ingestion Symptom Checker For Your Dog

Key Points

  • Common Symptoms of Cannabis Ingestion

  • Symptom Onset and Duration

  • Factors Influencing Severity

  • Immediate Actions for Pet Owners

  • Prevention Tips

Article reviewed for Accuracy by Dr. Asmat Khan.

Cannabis Ingestion Symptom Checker For Your Dog

Do you suspect your dog found its way into some of your edibles? Here is a Symptom Checklist that can be useful for you to help guide you through some decisions.


  1. Read the symptoms listed below.
  2. Check all that apply to your dog.
  3. Follow the corresponding advice and recommendations based on the number of symptoms checked.

Symptom List:

After ingestion of the cannabis, clinical symtpoms begin in 30 to 90 minutes. We can see the effect of cannabis for several days because THC stores in the fat deposits. The symptoms related to ingestions are:

  • Lethargy or excessive sleepiness
  • Uncoordinated movements or difficulty walking
  • Vomiting
  • Dilated pupils
  • Drooling
  • Tremors or seizures
  • Uncontrolled urine dribbling
  • Slower response rate
  • Agitation or hyperactivity

Symptom Checker Results:

If 1-2 Symptoms Checked:

  • Action: Monitor your dog closely.
  • Recommendation: Contact your veterinarian to report the symptoms and seek further advice. Keep your dog calm and comfortable. The Vet may do the urine test for THC toxicity.

If 3-4 Symptoms Checked:

  • Action: Immediate attention required.
  • Recommendation: Call your veterinarian or an emergency animal clinic immediately. Provide details about the symptoms and the possible ingestion of cannabis edibles. Follow any instructions given by the vet.

If 5 or More Symptoms Checked:

  • Action: Urgent medical attention needed.
  • Recommendation: Transport your dog to the nearest emergency animal clinic immediately. Inform the clinic about the symptoms and the potential ingestion of cannabis edibles. Time is critical, and professional intervention is necessary.

Important Contacts:


  • Phone Number: [Insert your local vet’s phone number]

Animal Poison Control:

  • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: 1-888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline:

  • Phone Number: 1-855-764-7661

Additional Instructions:

  1. Stay Calm: Panicking can delay necessary actions. Focus on the steps you need to take.
  2. Provide Details: When contacting a vet or emergency service, give a clear description of all the symptoms your dog is experiencing and the potential amount of cannabis ingested.
  3. Prevent Future Incidents: Ensure all cannabis products are stored securely and out of reach of pets. Educate household members about the risks.

Symptom Log:

  • Date & Time of Ingestion: ___________________________________
  • Symptoms Observed: ______________________________________
  • Actions Taken: ___________________________________________

Prevention Tips:

  • Store Safely: Keep all cannabis products in secure, pet-proof containers.
  • Educate Household Members: Make sure everyone in the house knows the dangers of pets ingesting cannabis edibles.
  • Regular Check-ins: Routinely check your home for any potential hazards to pets.

Topical Archive

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THC Toxicity & Its Risks for Dogs
Prevention & Awareness
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Practical Guidance for Pet Owners
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Topical Archive

Information and procedures found on categorized as follows:
  1. Veterinary Care & Emergency Response
  2. CBD Science & Perspectives
  3. THC Toxicity & Its Risks for Dogs
  4. Prevention & Awareness
  5. Cannabis Trends & Owner Awareness
  6. Practical Guidance for Pet Owners
  7. Supplementary Information
1. Veterinary Care & Emergency Response
Contact Vet Immediately
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A Vet’s Guide to Protecting Dogs from Cannabis Toxicity
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Science Behind CBD
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Why THC-Free CBD Products Are Safer and Legally Approved for Pets
General Information About CBD, THC, and Metabolism
3. THC Toxicity & Its Risks for Dogs
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Can THC Toxicity Cause Long-Term Effects in Dogs?
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Cannabis Ingestion Symptom Checker
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7. Supplementary Information
Reviewers and Contributors

Who We Are

At, we are passionate dog lovers who are deeply concerned about the growing issue of dogs accidentally ingesting cannabis edibles. As the prevalence of cannabis products increases, so too does the risk of our beloved pets being exposed to something that can be harmful to them. Seeing this rise in incidents inspired us to take action, and that’s why we launched this website—to raise awareness and provide dog owners with the crucial information they need in these situations.

Our mission is to educate and inform the community about the dangers of cannabis toxicity in dogs. We aim to equip you with the knowledge to recognize the signs of cannabis ingestion, understand its effects, and take the necessary steps to protect your pet. Through our resources, you’ll find clear, specific guidance on what to do if your dog accidentally consumes cannabis, as well as comprehensive information on how this substance can affect their health. Our hope is that, with greater awareness and preparedness, we can reduce these unfortunate accidents and keep our furry friends safe and happy