Providing Answers



In this challenging situation, there are 3 options:

A. Call The ASPCA! 

  • Call 1-888-426-4435. Please note  a $95 consultation fee may apply.


B. Call Your Vet!   


C. Comfort and Monitor!

  • We created a safety guide to help comfort your dog and make assessments about possible edible ingestion. Scroll below.


  Procedures reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Asmat Khan, DVM.

1.Stay Calm & Assess the Situation

Take a Deep Breath:

  • Before doing anything, take a moment to breathe deeply. This will help you stay composed.

Quick Visual Check:

  • Look around to see if there are any remaining edibles or packaging that can provide information on the amount and type of cannabis ingested.
  • If available, look for dosage information about THC and CBD. Some edibles may have only THC or CBD, while others might contain both.
  • Remaining calm helps you think clearly and take the necessary steps without panic, which is crucial for effectively managing the situation.


2. Secure the Environment

Remove the Edibles:

  • Place any remaining edibles and packaging out of reach, preferably in a high, locked cabinet.

Isolate Your Dog:

  • Move your dog to a safe area away from any potential hazards. Ensure the space is comfortable and secure.
  • Removing any remaining cannabis edibles from your dog’s reach prevents further ingestion and keeps your dog safe.

3. Gather Information 

Check the Packaging: 

  • Note the type of edible, the amount missing, and the THC / CBD content indicated on the packaging.

Estimate the Quantity:

  • Try to estimate how much your dog might have consumed based on the amount missing and the packaging size.
  • Knowing what your dog ingested and how much can help a veterinarian (if needed) provide the best possible care.

4. Comfort & Monitor

Provide Supportive Care:


  • Offer small amounts of water frequently to keep your dog hydrated.


Comfort and Safety: 

  • Keep your dog in a quiet, comfortable area. Use soft bedding and stay with them to provide reassurance.

Monitor Symptoms: 

  • Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and physical condition, noting any changes. Look for signs such as ataxia, lethargy, hyperactivity, vomiting, or urinary incontinence.

Important Consideration: 

  • In some cases, home care might not be sufficient, and a visit to the vet is necessary for more intensive treatment.

Preventive Measures: 

  • Store cannabis products in secure containers and out of your dog’s reach. Educate all household members about the dangers of pets ingesting cannabis.
  • Ensuring your dog is comfortable and monitored helps manage symptoms and provides a sense of security.


This is the end of the procedures!

  • We hope your canine friend has a speedy recovery.  You are invited to visit the links on this page and throughout the site for more tips and resources exploring the complex relationship between cannabis and canines.

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Topical Archive

All of our articles are arranged by helpful topics including:
Veterinary Care & Emergency Response
CBD and Its Benefits
THC Toxicity & Its Risks for Dogs
Prevention & Awareness
Cannabis Trends & Owner Awareness
Practical Guidance for Pet Owners
Supplementary Information

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Science Behind CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a viable choice for treating pain, anxiety, inflammation, and other ailments as pet owners look for natural ways to support their pets’ health.

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The vast majority of cannabis edible ingestion by dogs is not fatal.

What are the signs my dog ate a cannabis edible?

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, or sedation
  • Uncoordination, stumbling, or difficulty walking
  • Dilated pupils
  • Vomiting or drooling
  • Increased heart rate
  • Anxiety or agitation

How long will cannabis edibles last in a dog?

  • Cannabis edibles can have a prolonged effect on dogs compared to humans. The duration depends on several factors, including the amount ingested, the size and weight of the dog, its metabolism, and its overall health.
  • Typically, the effects of cannabis ingestion in dogs can last anywhere from 12 to 24 hours, but in some cases, symptoms may persist for up to 72 hours. If a dog has ingested cannabis edibles, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately.


Cannabis Toxicity Considerations:

  • It is pretty common for a dog to get intoxicated by cannabis, especially in those areas where it is legal for consumption among the masses.
  • There are various ways a dog can get exposure, and the most common is eating edibles such as cannabis-containing candies, chocolate bars and chips.

Topical Archive

Information and procedures found on categorized as follows:
  1. Veterinary Care & Emergency Response
  2. CBD Science & Perspectives
  3. THC Toxicity & Its Risks for Dogs
  4. Prevention & Awareness
  5. Cannabis Trends & Owner Awareness
  6. Practical Guidance for Pet Owners
  7. Supplementary Information
1. Veterinary Care & Emergency Response
Contact Vet Immediately
What If Your Dog Ingests Cannabis?
Natural Remedies for Mild THC Poisoning in Dogs
A Vet’s Guide to Protecting Dogs from Cannabis Toxicity
2. CBD Science and Perspectives
Science Behind CBD
The Role of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Treating Epilepsy
Why THC-Free CBD Products Are Safer and Legally Approved for Pets
General Information About CBD, THC, and Metabolism
3. THC Toxicity & Its Risks for Dogs
Role of Genetics: Why Some Dogs Are More Vulnerable to THC Toxicity Than Others
Can THC Toxicity Cause Long-Term Effects in Dogs?
Cannabis Toxicity in Dogs
How Long Does THC Toxicity Last in Dogs?
Cannabis Ingestion Symptom Checker
4. Prevention & Awareness
The Importance of Training Your Dog to Avoid Harmful Substances
When Dogs Get High: Stories from the Vet’s Office and Lessons Learned
Beware! Your Dog May Eat These Edibles
How Holidays Increase THC Exposure Risks for Dogs: Prevention Tips
Can Dogs Smell Marijuana? Why You Need to Be Extra Cautious!
5. Cannabis Trends & Owner Awareness
Cannabis Trends and Pets – What Every Owner Should Know About Emerging Products
What Are the Common Sources of THC Exposure?
What Are the Best Dog-Safe Alternatives to Marijuana for Relaxation and Anxiety Relief?
6. Practical Guidance for Pet Owners
How Do I Find a Good Veterinarian?
What About Pet Insurance for Marijuana?
Can My Dog Get High in a Room with Smokers?
7. Supplementary Information
Reviewers and Contributors

Who We Are

At, we are passionate dog lovers who are deeply concerned about the growing issue of dogs accidentally ingesting cannabis edibles. As the prevalence of cannabis products increases, so too does the risk of our beloved pets being exposed to something that can be harmful to them. Seeing this rise in incidents inspired us to take action, and that’s why we launched this website—to raise awareness and provide dog owners with the crucial information they need in these situations.

Our mission is to educate and inform the community about the dangers of cannabis toxicity in dogs. We aim to equip you with the knowledge to recognize the signs of cannabis ingestion, understand its effects, and take the necessary steps to protect your pet. Through our resources, you’ll find clear, specific guidance on what to do if your dog accidentally consumes cannabis, as well as comprehensive information on how this substance can affect their health. Our hope is that, with greater awareness and preparedness, we can reduce these unfortunate accidents and keep our furry friends safe and happy.